Monday, June 29, 2009

Ramblings From The Heart

Wow...this has been an amazing week for me, in both good and bad ways. As I sit and watch how the world around me is developing we are slowly morphing into the animal kingdom. I see the human spirit being cannibalized by our money driven society and our spirits are being choked into submission by this new era of greed. It seems we don't care about much else other than personal gain regardless of the pain or wreckage that is left in our path.

How have we become a society ruled by fast talkers and cheaters where only the most unethical appear to survive and thrive? We are being forced to compromise our morality in order to accommodate the needs of this machine. If we don't comply we are made to feel that we are not cut out to be a leader. I've watched good people be reduced to nothing more than slick talking, half truth telling, bottom feeding people in order to climb the corporate ladder. I am also wtnessing this great country suffer it's worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression because of this very mentality. Our insatiable greed literally crashed the world's economy and no one wants to take blame for it, that's just the way it is. We don't value the weak or elderly among us, we count them as little more than a nuisance among us. We as a country don't even value our own soldiers that go and fight around the world for our freedoms. Many return from conflicts limbless or mentally traumatized only to find out they fought for our right to forget theirs. They can no longer contribute to this machine we call Free Market Capitalism.

We purposely take advantage of those we perceive to not fully understand this game we play and count them as sheep for the slaughter. We want to win at any cost and any expense. Unfortunately the cost is our soul as a nation. We are being taught and teaching our children to lie, cheat and steal at every hand if the opportunity presents itself especially if it will result in personal gain. What have we become? Who are we?

How can I tell my three beautiful children to be respectful, honest and walk with integrity then send them into a society that doesn't value this? Then expect them to get a college education and join the workforce only to discover that no one is playing by those rules anymore. People don't even marry for love any longer, it's a business relationship now. What have we become? There is a passage in the Bible where Jesus asks his disciples, "Who do men say that I am?" The answers were a reflection of how Christ carried himself through life and how other men perceived him. I believe that no matter what the answer would have been, it wouldn't have negated who he was. But....look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, "Who do men say that I am?" What will they say...honestly? Are you a liar? Will they call you a cheat? Will they call you an asset to the world or say that you are always around confusion? Will they say you are not trustworthy? Will they say you are a great manipulator? Will they say you're a good person? We wear so many masks during the day we forget who we truly are. During our societal rise we are willing to throw away the essence of our own decency in order to become noticed by those who are actually operating below our own standards. We are made to believe that we cannot be decent people and achieve great things. I don't believe this.

I won't sell my inheritance for this bowl of soup. I won't sacrifice my good name for short or long term monetary gain and worldly recognition. I am afraid that we as a country, on every level, have become consumed with the thought of what we perceive as success. Yet we are willing to sacrifice all that is precious and all that we've been created just to be viewed as a success in this world.

We were not created to devour one another but to lift one another up. We must push each other towards our own personal greatness so we can benefit from one another. We are connected through all that we do and say. We must treat one another with respect and decency regardless of what this corporate world tells us. We must break out of the traditional corporate setting and strive to create our own incomes to become free from its thinking. We can succeed together without tearing one another down. We are better than this. And if we do not make the changes necessary and return to the fundamental goodness that is within us all...we will not survive as a nation. Don't conform to this mentality but be a shining example of what we should be. Maybe someone else will see your light within their own darkness and begin to change.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Listen, Learn and Succeed 2

Okay, okay, okay...I know I'm running behind. I promised another post in one week and it's been about ten days. This weeks lesson will be short and easy....Learn. I love it when people think learning is all about reading a book, going to hear the latest guru speak and listening to positive music. I dare say, that before you go to all of these very credible resources to learn about.....whatever. Go to yourself and learn about you.

What do I mean learn about you?? This simply means that we are all built differently, driven by various pasts and halted by multiple fears. What are you afraid of? Are you more afraid of failing and the whole world see you? Maybe you are terrified that you are actually great but don't want the resposibility of greatness? Why? Are you lazy just because being productive is just too tiring? I told you this will be a short one but a very relevant lesson.

This week I want you to study you!!! What are you eating and why? What do you love and hate and why? What are my family influences or lack thereof on my daily thinking and beliefs? Am I scared to think outside of the box for fear of what might come to get me? Do I play by the rules because I'm afraid of the consequences? Why am I not successful? Why am I not happy or what is making me happy? What can I offer the world right now? Who do I love and what do I love about them? How can I learn to be more outspoken?

Do you want to be heard by the world? Or do you want to live in silence and die a quiet death. It's time to learn who we are and who we've been created to be. Let's determine the purpose of our creation and scream it to the world around us with a bold confidence. Declare our lives with a fierceness until it reaches every corner of the earth. THIS IS WHO I AM!!!! Don't wait for a response or validation. You do the research and find out. Dig into the depths of your past, present and future discover your gifts, passions, strengths, weaknesses and celebrate them all. Begin to break out of the character that this world has written for you and forget the inner dialogue you've memorized over the years. It is your time. Life is too short to live a life so small. You're pitifullness serves no one but those who thrive off of your silence and inability to stand up. Don't give them the pleasure and begin to believe in you.

Learn about you before you pick up another book or pay for another conference. You will find that the answer has been right there. You are a phenomenal, peculiar creation....The world is waiting.

To Your Success,

Steve Griffin

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Listen, Learn and Succeed

What a simple concept, listen, learn and succeed. It seems somewhat obvious but it is easier said than done. There may be some misconceptions about about how easily our lives can change if only we would listen. Listen to who? Why would I say this? Most people, even the most intelligent among us become married to a particular set of ideas and way of doing things regardless of how dated the information might be. I have a perfect example of this in my own life.

I've been involved in network marketing for about seven years and have seen the methodology of doing things stay the same and completely change simultaneously. When I started we were taught to make a list of everyone we knew and begin contacting them systematically. So then began one of the most painful journeys of my life. Not only the list but the dreaded three foot rule. What is that you ask? If someone was within three feet of you, you were obligated to share your life changing opportunity with them. This one rule became the bane of my existence. I felt like I couldn't go out to eat with my wife without interrupting someones dinner, movie or evening in general to tell them how the business changed my life. These method have definitely worked for some within the industry but did not for many many more.

The truth is, each person brings a different skill set to their own business along with varying resources and personal connections. This fact seems to be ignored altogether and never truly addressed for those poor saps that join and have no connections, no family, no resources and no idea what they are getting into. This is a business and no one tells you to take a good look at trends of successful brick and mortar businesses or online businesses. Fast forward to today and you will find that these same methods are still being taught by some of the gurus and motivators of the network marketing industry in their perspective fields. Why? Because all of these methods worked for them 10,15 even 20 years ago and they swear by it. This is done even with the explosion of true Internet marketing on the scene.

Now we have search engine optimization, blogs, video and interactive websites to sell our products and not a word about it. Google, Yahoo, MSN, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and are the present not the future of this industry. This is the direction that network marketing is headed but you will rarely hear it taught in any network marketing seminars or conferences. There are many leaders out there that still teach about writing a list of family members, friends, coworkers and just about anyone that you know while they have a blog, website and first page ranking on Google. I would never tell you to stop doing anything that is working for you but please step into the Web 2.0 world and incorporate it into your business. I know how it is when you get into a company and you submerge yourself in their philosophy. You've been taught to work their system, their way and don't deviate from it or you will fail. Please remember this, it is your business to push toward success or failure. Enlist any information available that will help your business succeed and don't listen to anyone that will tell you otherwise.

Next week I'll follow up this thinking with the art of learning.

Best Regards,

Steve Griffin